Is it just me, or are dresses getting shorter? These "barely dresses" are barely cutting it, especially at my height. But when I found this dress at Goodwill for $3.50, I couldn't pass it up. It was a little short, but when I found some knit fabric that matched, a dress extension was the plan.
- dress
- coordinating fabric (try to match fabric type to fabric type. Knit to knit, cotton to cotton, etc.)
First, if needed, seam rip. My dress was a bubble style. The inside panel was sewn to the outside panel, so I had to seam rip the entire bottom.
If seam ripping isn't needed, spread out the bottom of your dress as much as possible, and measure the width on one side.
Decide how much length you want added to your dress. If you're using cotton fabric, double the length. This makes it easier on you since you won't have to hem (just wait - this will make sense a little later). If you're using knit, you can double the length, or just leave it be. Knit doesn't fray, so you don't have to worry about hemming.
Take your measurement of how wide the dress is, and double it to find out how long you need your extension panel piece to be. Once you get that number, cut your coordinating fabric. A rotary cutter works great for this. Try to cut enough fabric to match the pattern of the coordinating fabric when you sew the sides together.
If you're using cotton, press your fabric on half, width-wise, wrong sides together.
Start pinning your fabric at the seam line on the dress, right sides together, with raw edges being pinned to the dress.
Continue pinning, keeping the fabric straight and taught, until you have about 3 inches left, and sew the panel together.
Pin the remaining 3 inches, and sew panel to dress.
That's it! You now have a dress that's actually long enough, and completely customized by you. My dress rung up at under $5, since the dress was from Goodwill, and the fabric was under $3 a yard on clearance (don't you just LOVE that?).
Shout out to a friend who helped me with the final shots!
Keep Crafting,